IRC Role at 47 Sheppard
by Our IRC Meagan
Coming back to work in person has been a great opportunity, both for us working at 47 Sheppard to be able to converse with clients and colleagues in person again, but also a great opportunity for clients to interact with us face to face. It has allowed the opportunity for clients who feel more comfortable with an in person dialogue to have access to our in person services, while still being available by phone and email for those clients who prefer to connect with us remotely. There are many up to date pamphlets and flyers for different community resources available here at the FLIC for clients to look through and discuss with an IRC which resources may be the best fit for them and their family.
A few things we do here at the FLIC office, are join the First Appearance Court Calls. This is a chance for us to explain the process of mediation along with all of the benefits, to clients at their First Appearance Calls. Quite a few litigants are unaware there is a service available, free of charge, that provides an opportunity to work with a neutral third party to see if there is an option to resolve their disputes without needing to continue with the court process. From these First Appearance Calls, we do see quite a few referrals for mediation come our way.
Our advice lawyers at not yet working back in person, however they are available virtually for clients to obtain summary legal advice.
Overall being back at the FLIC has been a great experience and we look forward to meeting with more clients in person to provide them with community resources, general information on court process and to provide them with information on our family mediation services.