Meet our Summer Student


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When taking the Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) program at Humber college the curriculum highlighted a variety of industries that can benefit from ADR. In first semester students were introduced to ADR and its many applications while a foundation was set for our second semester, which focused on more specific applications of ADR in areas such as healthcare, employment and labor and family mediation.

I wanted to do my placement with Toronto Family Mediation Services (TFMS) because my family mediation course had the greatest appeal to me. I really loved the idea of helping people through a difficult time in their life by offering a service such as family mediation. With my interest in becoming a mediator I knew that a placement with TFMS would give me valuable insight into this field and help guide my career path.

When I got the opportunity to do my placement with TFMS I expected to shadow information and referral coordinators (IRC) in the courts. I thought this would be excellent because a skill I wanted more professional experience with was providing support to people who are activated or in difficult situations. I also assumed there would be overlap in the skills used as an IRC and what we were taught in the ADR program and I wanted to see things like active listening, reframing, rephrasing, and expectation management put to use in real time.

So far, my placement has exceeded my expectations. I have witnessed IRC’s show their dedication, compassion, warmth and knowledge every time I had the privilege of shadowing them. My time with them solidified the importance of demeanor as a tool when assisting those going through stressful times, and demonstrated how impactful it is for people to be listened to and feel heard. The importance of demeanor and active listening continued to be apparent when I had the novel experience of working with Hilary Linton on the mediator in training (MIT) program.

During a simulation with Hilary acting as mediator and myself as a client I was able to see the many skills taught in school applied by a professional. She kept track of every concern we had, was so thorough with every issue we raised, and through tone, validation, and reframing she was able to make the clients feel at ease even when we were disclosing painful and embarrassing details. She elaborated on the process and what she was doing which served to maintain trust with the clients by making her intentions clear.

Not only did I get to witness her incredible mediation skills, but I also have had the unique opportunity to bear witness to what it takes to run an organisation like TFMS. Hilary is constantly juggling countless tasks and prioritizing whatever needs her attention most, while still making herself available to those who need her. Something that surprised me the most was how much she invites feedback from everyone she works with. I had expected that the president of a successful company would be less interested in the perspectives of a summer student, but that is not the case.

Whenever we work together she wants to know the thoughts from all involved and genuinely considers what is shared, a behavior that I assume is one of many components of her success. Hilary Linton has built an amazing team, and it is the kind of workplace that allows employees and summer students to thrive. I am truly looking forward to what the next half of my placement has in store and discovering what more there is to absorb.

Family Law Information Centres (FLIC)

You can learn much more about available services, mediation, court process, separation, divorce and the law by visiting us at one of our Family Law Information Centres (FLIC).


361 University Ave, Suite 146, Toronto, ON M5G 1T3

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47 Sheppard Avenue East Toronto, Ontario M2N 5X5Main Floor (Just east of Yonge, south side of Sheppard)

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