Outreach with our Justice Partners: Part 1
At TFMS we work daily with the courts administration and judges to make our services more accessible to the public and helpful to them. Here are some things we have recently been doing:
- In February, Hilary Linton met with Lainie Basman, the new Counsel at the Office of the Chief Justice to discuss our services.
- Our team had the honour of meeting with the judiciary in both the OCJ and the SCJ to learn how we can better support the needs of the court and litigants
- We attended the SCJ and OCJ Bench and Bar meetings to on our shift towards in-person services, accessibility of mediators on motions and conference dates, mediation uptake, and the IRC role.
- We are training all our mediators and IRCs in Caselines so that we can better support parties— whether they are attending mediation or not— to use that service. For mediators, it is helpful to have access through Caselines to the court documents
- Our new brochures can be found in all family courts! Ask court staff for a copy or visit us at the FLIC.
- IRCs are onsite at both OCJ courts and also in the SCJ most if not all days of the week, and we are enjoying the ability to connect once again with our colleagues in the courts. We continue to send our monthly calendar and keep court staff informed of our on-site status.
- In the SCJ we attend Motions court via Zoom 2 days a week to let parties know about mediation services. In the OCJs, we attend First Appearance calls 2 times a week for 311 Jarvis and 5 times a week for 47 Sheppard.
- We hosted coffee shops in-person in January, February and March. We had excellent attendance from court staff in particular. Thank you all who came out!!