You can learn much more about available services, mediation, court process, separation, divorce and the law by visiting us at one of our Family Law Information Centres (FLIC).
Family Law Information
The Family Law Information Centre (FLIC) is an excellent resource for anyone needing information about separation, supports, resources, legal support and more. IRCs can be reached daily from 9-5 at the phone numbers below.
They are also available for in-person consultations and information every day at the FLICs at the addresses below:
Ontario Superior Court of Justice, Toronto
361 University Ave
Toronto, Ontario M5G 1T5
Hours of operation: Between 9am-11am and between 2pm-4pm
Ontario Court of Justice
311 Jarvis Street (main floor)
Toronto, Ontario, M5B 2C4
Hours of operation: Between 9am-11am and between 2pm-4pm
47 Sheppard Avenue East (main floor)
Toronto, Ontario, M2N 5X5
Hours of operation: Between 9am-11am and between 2pm-4pm
This is a wonderful service to humanity, designed to reduce or eliminate unnecessary and abhorrent strife, contention, and conflict permeating the legal system
I have always found the service to be professional, fair, and cost-effective
This organization is a tremendous asset to the family law community
The IRC can:
- refer clients seeking domestic violence help to the Family Court Support Worker program.
- help you understand court processes and forms
- help you access legal advice including Legal Aid Duty Counsel if you qualify (if available)
- give you information about our mediation services and help you get started in mediation
- help you decide which dispute resolution process might be best for you.
- help you register for the Mandatory Information Program, a free information session about separation and divorce.
(NOTE: the IRC is not a lawyer and does not provide legal advice.) For more information about family mediation from the Ministry of the Attorney General: View Family Mediation Services