You can learn much more about available services, mediation, court process, separation, divorce and the law by visiting us at one of our Family Law Information Centres (FLIC).
Family Law
CLEO (Community Legal Education Ontario) | Family Law Guided PathwaysHere is a link to a short introductory video that provides more information about the pathways.
The pathways can be directly accessed here
The Action GroupThe Action Group on Access to Justice (TAG) was established by the Law Society of Ontario in 2015 to facilitate better coordination and collaboration across the justice sector. With funding from the Law Foundation of Ontario, TAG works with a range of justice stakeholders to develop meaningful, public-centred solutions that advance systemic change.
CLEO Connect | Your Legal Rights- Family LawFamily law covers legal issues like marriage and common-law relationships, separation and divorce, child custody and access, child and spousal support, property division, child protection and partner abuse.
Ontario Justice Education Network (OJEN)OJEN’s searchable resource library contains over 200 teaching resources for the classroom, community organization or justice education program. Available for download, free of charge, OJEN resources are written in plain language and include teaching guides, curriculum links and related resources. Resources are for general educational use and are not legal advice. Anyone dealing with a legal issue should consult a lawyer for confidential, specific legal advice.
Do you have a legal problem and live in Ontario?
Steps to Justice gives reliable and practical information on common legal problems including:
- step-by-step information to help you work through your legal problems
- practical tools, such as checklists, fillable forms, and self-help guides
- referral information for legal and social services across Ontario
- live chat and email support if you can’t find the answers to your questions
Contains general legal information for Ontario, Canada, by the Law Society of Upper Canada
Tax Matters Toolkit: Separation and Divorce for ClientsThe CBA Family Law Section has collaborated with Justice Canada, the Canada Revenue Agency and Finance Canada to develop the Tax Matters Toolkits. The Toolkits will help family law clients understand how tax rules might affect their future finances on separation or divorce. It explains the various credits, benefits and deductions, and will help you navigate and apply the often complex tax laws to particular circumstances.
Government of Canada| Family Justice ServicesIf you are dealing with separation, divorce or other family law issues, you’re not alone. A wide variety of family justice services can help you get information and resolve issues without going to court.
Provincial and territorial governments provide some of these family justice services. Others are only available from professionals in private practice or in community organizations. Here, you will find key types of provincial and territorial government services that may be helpful to you as well as links to those services in each province and territory.
Parenting Plan ToolThis parenting plan tool allows you to choose statements and specific clauses that reflect your child’s developmental needs. The sample clauses are based on the best available research. The clauses you choose for your parenting plan will be based on your children’s specific circumstances. The parenting plan tool gives you a starting point for developing a plan based on common considerations for parenting after separation and divorce.
Parenting Plan ChecklistA parenting plan outlines how parents will raise their children after separation or divorce. It describes how parents not living together will care for and make important decisions about their children in both homes. You can agree to any type of parenting arrangement, but you should focus on what is in the best interests of your children.
In addition to this checklist, the Department of Justice Canada has free online resources to help you come up with workable parenting arrangements that are in your children’s best interests:
Guide to procedures in family courtRead this guide to learn about the steps to follow in family court, including the documents you need and when and where to serve and file them.
Separation and Divorce
Government of Canada | About Divorce and SeparationFederal and Provincial law related to divorce and separation.
Families Change OntarioThis website provides age-appropriate information to help kids, teens and parents deal with a family break up. The website was produced by the Justice Education Society in collaboration with Community Legal Education Ontario.
Government of Canada | Parenting ArrangementsWhen deciding how to care for your children during and after a separation or divorce, there are a lot of things to think about. The most important thing to consider is, “What is best for my child?” It is a good idea for you and the other parent to create a parenting plan, setting out where the children will live and other important details. It is important not to involve your children in any conflict between you and the other parent.
This website provides general information. Family law is complex. You are encouraged to contact a lawyer for help with family law issues.
Office of the Children’s LawyerLearn about services the Office of the Children’s Lawyer delivers to support children in legal matters.
Separation or divorce means lots of changes, but love, comfort, and care can help children adjust and cope with family trauma.
Services for Children
On my way: a guide to support middle years child developmentReview our comprehensive developmental framework to support children ages 6 to 12, based on up-to-date evidence on middle childhood development.
What Happens Next? Information for kids about separation and divorce Kids Help Phone 1.800.668.6868- Phone counselling
- Web counselling
- For ages 20 & under
- Free, 24/7
- Anonymous & Confidential
- Non-judgemental
HOPE is a volunteer-run network of peer support groups for parents and guardians who share similar struggles, experiences, and concerns related to their adolescent or young adult children.
Supporting Our Youth (SOY)Works to support the health and wellbeing of all queer and trans spectrum youth by running groups, programs and events and by providing one-on-one support for queer, trans and questioning youth who are 29 years old and under.
Child and Spousal Support
Covid-19 Support for people Paying and Receiving Child and Spousal SupportLearn how the Family Responsibility Office (FRO) helps you pay and receive your support, and what to do if a payment is missed.
How to arrange child support between yourself and the other parent or caregiver.
Provides step-by-step information on Federal Child Support Guidelines.
Child Support and the Child Support GuidelinesQuestions and answers on child support from CLEO.
Parenting time, decision-making responsibility and contactLearn about parenting arrangements if you are separating or getting a divorce and how to get a parenting or contact order for the children.
Canada’s only accurate online child & spousal support calculator
Cultural Legal Services
The Canadian Council of Muslim WomenThe Canadian Council of Muslim Women (CCMW) has launched the first-ever legal services coordination program geared specifically to Muslim women in Canada. The program aims to provide culturally appropriate legal services coordination for Canadian Muslim women seeking legal advice and counsel on family law issues. It is a one-stop referral service designed expressly for Canadian Muslim women to address their unique needs resulting from complexities related to Canadian and Muslim family laws.
Centre for Spanish Speaking PeopleThis legal clinic is funded by Legal Aid Ontario and serves members of the Spanish-speaking community in Ontario. We provide access to justice for people with low income regardless of their immigration status in Canada. People who receive social assistance benefits are automatically eligible.
South Asian Legal Clinic OntarioSALCO is a legal clinic that supports low-income South Asian people in Ontario.
Jewish Family and Child ServicesA multi-service agency that strengthens and supports individuals, children, families and communities by increasing safety and security, improving mental health and wellness and reducing the effects of poverty, within the context of Jewish values.
Muslim Legal Support CenterThe Muslim Legal Support Centre is a non-profit organization that defends the rights of Muslims in Ontario.
Aboriginal Legal Services of TorontoAboriginal Legal Services (formerly Aboriginal Legal Services of Toronto) was established on February 21, 1990. ALS was formed following a need for a legal related program for Aboriginal people living in the Greater Toronto Area.
African, Caribbean, Black Family Group ConferencingThe African, Caribbean, Black Family Group Conferencing Project, also known as ACB-FGC is working to transform the way the child welfare system supports the wellbeing of African, Caribbean and Black (ACB) children, families and youth by delivering culturally adapted Family Group Conferencing to ACB communities in the Toronto area.
Black Legal Action CentreBLAC offers a range of legal services on issues related to education, employment, housing, human rights, government support, and other topics.
L’AJEFO est un chef de file depuis 1981 dans l’accès à la justice en français. Notre but : éduquer et outiller la communauté professionnelle juridique et le grand public, en Ontario et au Canada.
Chinese Southeast Asian Legal ClinicThe Chinese and Southeast Asian Legal Clinic (CSALC) is a community-based legal clinic funded by Legal Aid Ontario which provides free legal services to low-income, non-English speaking clients from Ontario’s Chinese, Vietnamese, Laotian and Cambodian communities.
Human Rights Legal Support Centre | Services for Indigenous PeopleIndigenous Services staff members can be reached by calling the HRLSC and following the prompts. You will need to press 4 to reach the Indigenous Service intake staff.
Tel: (416) 597-4900
Toll Free: 1-866-625-5179
TTY: (416) 597-4903
TTY Toll Free: 1-866 612-8627
Downtown Legal Services provides a range of free legal services for low-income residents of Toronto and University of Toronto students in six areas of law: criminal law, employment law, family law, refugee and immigration law, housing law and university affairs.
Domestic Violence and Abuse
Luke's PlaceLuke’s Place is an award-winning non-profit organization solely devoted to improving the safety and experience of women and their children as they proceed through the family law process after fleeing an abusive relationship.
The Redwood ShelterThe Redwood offers safety, healing and opportunities for growth for women and their children fleeing abuse. Families receive case management and counselling services from Resident Services Counsellors, access to empowering and life-changing programs, and transitional support when they are ready to take the steps toward a new life.
Peel Committee Against Women Abuse (PCAWA)Although a survivor does not have control over the violence they are experiencing, it is possible to increase a survivor’s safety–and the safety of any children or dependents involved–by considering potential risks and trying to prepare for reducing or neutralizing those risks.
Creating a safety plan involves identifying potential protective actions that can increase a survivor’s safety and help prepare in advance for the possibility of further violence. The Creating a Safety Plan resource offers many suggestions and questions for consideration, and we hope that these will be useful to survivors and to frontline workers supporting survivors.
Metropolitan Action Committee on Violence Against Women and Children (METRAC)METRAC works with individuals, communities and institutions to change ideas, actions and policies with the goal of ending violence against women and youth.
SafePet OntarioSafePet Ontario coordinates foster care for pets of individuals fleeing domestic violence. The program helps survivors seek safety while ensuring their pet receives proper care until they’re stabilized and safe and can reunite.
Assaulted Women’s HelplineThe Assaulted Women’s Helpline provides crisis counselling, safety planning, emotional support, information, and referrals 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year on our telephone and TTY crisis line. Their free, confidential, and anonymous support is available in 200+ languages.
GTA 416.863.0511
TOLL-FREE 1.866.863.0511
TOLL-FREE TTY 1.866.863.7868
#SAFE (#7233) on your Bell, Rogers, Fido or Telus mobile phone
Seniors Safety Line
TOLL-FREE 1-866-299-1011
TTY 1-866-299-0008
Barbra Schlifer Commemorative ClinicA counseling, legal, interpretation, information and referral service for women who are survivors of violence.
Family Services TorontoFamily Service Toronto (FST) works to reduce violence and abuse in intimate relationships.Our counsellors from a variety of specific FST programs work together, as part of our integrated Family Violence Centre, to address all forms of abuse.
Distress Centre: 416.408.4357For immediate support, please call 416-408-HELP (4357)
Government of Canada | Fact Sheet - Divorce and Family Violence iDetermine Victim Services: 416.808.7066Victim Services Toronto provides immediate, confidential support for any person who has experienced crime or sudden tragedy 24/7.
Services for Men Experiencing Abuse
Family Services TorontoProviding short and long term counseling services and programs.
Mindfit Toolkit: Mental Wellness for MenGet the right tool for the job. Mental health resources for men to manage stress, anxiety, and depression.
Male Abuse AwarenessProvides links to help services, male abuse communities, various support systems and friends for male victims and survivors.
The Canadian Centre for Men and FamiliesThe Canadian Centre for Men and Families is a mental health and social service hub delivering programs and services for boys, men, fathers and their families.
Distress Centre of Greater Toronto: 416.408.4357Distress Centres of Greater Toronto is a service agency dedicated to providing timely emotional support, crisis intervention, and suicide prevention to people in distress.
Mental Health
Gerstein Crisis CentreThe Gerstein Centre’s crisis services include 24/7 telephone support, in-person mobile crisis team, community support referrals, substance use crisis management, follow-up and access to short-term crisis beds.
Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH) | Family supports, resources, and engagementThe Family Resource Centre (FRC) supports families in navigating the mental health and addictions system, shares information about CAMH and community programming, and offers family-facing educational materials.
Children’s Mental Health OntarioChildren’s Mental Health Ontario (CMHO) represents Ontario’s publicly-funded Child and Youth Mental Health Centres. They advocate for investments, policies, and programs for children, youth, and families seeking mental health services in Ontario. Their goal is to promote a coordinated and high-quality system of care that puts children, youth and families first.
Suicide. It’s a difficult topic to bring up. However, when someone talks about suicide or brings up concern for a loved one, it’s important to take action and seek help quickly. Canadian Mental Health Association (CMHA), Ontario.
Suicide: What to do when someone is suicidalWhen someone you know appears suicidal, you might not know what to do. Learn warning signs, what questions to ask and how to get help. Mayo Clinic.
Are you thinking about suicide? How to stay safe and find treatmentHopelessness may lead you to think about suicide. Learn how to stay safe, get through a crisis and find treatment. Mayo Clinic.
Supporting a family member with schizophrenia: Practical strategies for daily livingSupporting a family member with schizophrenia offers tools and resources that help people with schizophrenia and their families develop customized strategies that support an independent and fulfilling life in the community.
Coping with suicidal thoughtsI’m seriously thinking about suicide. What should I do? Consortium for Organizational Mental Health.
Canadian Association for Suicide PreventionAddiction
Addiction ResourceRaises awareness on the dangers of addiction and helps local communities stay drug-free.
Canadian Society of Addiction MedicinePromoting drug abuse prevention and treatment.
Government, Community & Non-Profit Organizations
Black Dadies ClubThe main goals of the organization are to change the image of the “absent Black father” that is prevalent in the media and to assist young Black men to become better fathers. In so doing, BDC aims to support Black children, families and the larger community.
Ministry of Children and Youth ServicesFind services for child welfare, family intervention, youth justice, children’s community support, children’s mental health, and childcare.
Ministry of the Attorney General | Family LawFind information about family justice programs and services, child support information, online publications and more.
Ministry of the Attorney General | Family Mediation ServicesMediation is a voluntary way of resolving disputes where a trained mediator helps parties of relatively equal bargaining positions to resolve disputes about family issues.
Ontario court addressesFind local courthouses by location or region.
Ontario family court structureFind services and information about Ontario’s family courts.
Family court formsProvides you with electronic versions of forms under the Family Law Rules.
Human Rights Legal SupportOffers legal assistance to people in communities across Ontario who believe they have experienced discrimination.
Ombudsman OntarioInvestigates complaints against provincial government organizations.
Financial Consumer Agency of Canada: Budget CalculatorThis Budget Calculator is a tool to help you calculate and understand your budget. This tool is designed to give you a snapshot of where your money is going based on how much you spend in a selected time period. Download the Budget Calculator here
Supervised Access Services
Access for Parents and Children in Ontario (APCO)Access for Parents and Children in Ontario (APCO) is a non-profit organization that provides supervised access to separated families. They are funded by the Ministry of the Attorney General of Ontario and operated by a Board of Directors. Access for Parents and Children in Ontario has been serving the community since 1992.
The York and Peel Region Supervised Parenting Time Programs
York and Peel Region Supervised Parenting Time Centres, formerly known as the York and Peel Region Supervised Access Centres, help children and families through difficult periods of separation and adjustment.
They provide a safe, neutral and child-focused environment for children to spend time with their parents or extended families. Their supervisors, staff, and volunteers are well-trained and impartial.
Kinark Supervised Access Centre (Simcoe/Muskoka)Kinark’s highly respected supervised access programs provide virtual services and safe, neutral, and accessible locations where adults and children can be supported during on-site parenting time with their parents who are separated/divorced and/or experiencing difficulties with maintaining child/parent relationships.
In addition, their programs provide supervised exchange services, where the children are transitioned from one parent/relative to the other via staff for parenting time outside the Centre, not involving staff.
Funded by the Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services, Kinark provides supervised parenting services in Simcoe and Muskoka, as well as Peterborough, Cobourg, and Lindsay.
Supervised Access Centres OntarioLocation and contact information for Supervised Access Centres in Ontario